2024 Workshops
Be The Change: Facilitating Diversity In Kink
There is an ongoing conversation about the lack of diversity in kink, but very few people have come up with tangible, workable ways that we, as kinksters, can make our communities more diverse. This is a discussion group, where people of all genders, cultural backgrounds, ability levels and body types can talk about real ways we can create and promote safe and diverse spaces.
Class The skin is a vital organ that covers the entire outside of the body, forming a protective barrier against pathogens and injuries from the environment; it's the body's largest organ, covering the entire outside of the body...
...and I'd like to show you how to create beautiful artistic pieces on it using a cautery pen.
Branding is a form of body modification that has steadily grown in popularity over recent decades, having been a form of art in tribal areas around the world for thousands of years; it’s not nearly as common as piercing or tattooing, but for those interested in a slightly more extreme form of body modification, branding provides a beautiful blend of the aesthetic and the spiritual.
I will cover cross-contamination and creating a safe environment QUITE EXTENSIVELY before getting into the meat of branding.
Please be RACK or PRICK etc. aware regarding this subject as l do not suffer fools gladly.
Chaos Rope
Have a base understanding of your risk profile, limits and energy levels.
Class Description:
Chaos rope is how I like to approach decorative ties, floor rope shenanigans, and occasional core workouts. By using friction across the body, we can end up with elaborate shapes and webs. Alternatively, we can end up with the person in the rope being in an uncomfortable position while you are laughing at their suffering. We’ll cover a variety of frictions and hitches one can use to facilitate the chaos. Throughout the class, we will also cover safety, tension, and how to handle rope better for maximum chaos. This class is going to be focused on partnered tying, but all of these skills can be used for self-tying and is self-tie friendly!
What to Bring to Class:
Rope! You only really need two to three hanks of rope, and they can be whatever length you want them to be (ideally 8-10 meters, but whatever lengths you have are super ok). If you have lots of rope, absolutely bring it with you! Bring cutting shears, a notebook if you like to take notes, a yoga mat/floor mat/a blanket if you want to sit on the floor, and whatever else you need to be present.
Dancing the Razors Edge
Daddy Crone (Leenie)
In this workshop, you will learn how to use the sexy as hell straight razor! The intimacy, tapping into All the senses from, the sensations of the razor gliding across a throat, pussy or ass, hell anywhere on the body, the scents, the sounds of hair being severed and the trust between two people as they dance the razor's edge!
Shaving can be fun, sexy and just a little dangerous! Blood optional;-)
Feel the Rhythm, Feel the Vibe, Get on up its dungeon time
Rhythm guides your life. From your heart beat, to your breathing or the simple left-right-left-right of the way you walk. Rhythm also sets poetry apart from regular speech, so why can't it create poetry out of your play? The use of rhythm can make a scene much more enjoyable, and even help induce subspace or topspace. This class explores rhythm and its use in any type of play. With hands-on portions of the class guiding you, learn how to find the rhythm in any scene.
Flogs and Flails
Join KillerBee (she/her) as she walks us through mastering the art of flogging, florentine, and working within our limits without compromising the fun! Whether you've never thrown a flail, or you have a bag dedicated to them, you're sure to walk away with a little inspiration and a big smile.
Queering Kink
Bats & Graeae
Kink is inherently Queer and therefore political! Kink originated in Queer Culture and in this 201 workshop we will be looking to explore the intersections of Queerness, Kink, identity and sexuality. After our presentation, we will be facilitating an open "Fishbowl" style discussion centering the voices of Queer Kinksters where participants can share their perspectives.
Raising Cane
Mz Jewcy
Those stripes we all love. I’ll demonstrate ways to make caning positive and interactive, and help your scenes last longer. Discuss the feel of different types of canes and how each deliver a different sensation. I’ll discuss caning different parts of the body, tips for reading your bottom, and helping them process.
The word “canes” often strikes fear in many. However, the art of caning has many permutations. In skilled hands, it can range from playful and sensual to intense and painful. Join me for Raising Cane and allow me to show you why I love canes so much!
Sadistic Games
Mz Jewcy
Think Tic-Tac-Toe with evil sticks and bite marks! We’ll use laughter, interactive games, and distraction to change up headspace. There are so many games from childhood that can be pervertable. Challenge a friend to a game of Simon! This energy effects all participants within the scene and those watching. We’ll discuss how distraction and forced interaction affect headspace and drop. Laughter is therapeutic, increases oxygen intake, and creates positive energy.
Join me for Sadistic Games and the Wheel of MisFortune!
The skin is a vital organ that covers the entire outside of the body, forming a protective barrier against pathogens and injuries from the environment; it's the body's largest organ, covering the entire outside of the body...
...and I'd like to show you how to create beautiful artistic pieces on it using a scalpel.
This class is not meant for those new to blood play as it sits on the razor edge of safe/sane and can have devastating affects on those persons, both the artist and the canvas, not properly versed in its use.
For those who already have gained some knowledge and insight into artistic cutting & basic scalpel play, please join me in what many consider the next evolution of that journey.
I will cover cross contamination and creating a safe environment QUITE EXTENSIVELY before getting into the meat of scarification and skin removal.
Please be RACK or PRICK etc aware regarding this subject as l do not suffer fools gladly
Sensual Knife Play 201: Introducing Pain
The blade of the knife can be used to create pain, confusion, or incredible discomfort. Running the blade across your partner, causing a little bit of pain, watching their eyes tear up in fear, these are incredibly powerful feelings! Advanced techniques to add to your knife play, that will make your bottom squirm.
Sit and Stay: Prolonged Pet-play
Handlers and Pets: You've got your gear on, toys out, and ready to play bury the bone. But are you unsure of what you and your pet should do after the gear comes off and the scene ends? Ever fantasized about long term scenes, incorporating pet play and power dynamics into your every day life? You’re not alone!
Join the discussion on tips and tricks to incorporate pet play in subtle (or not-so subtle) ways outside of the bedroom, and how to extend scenes and headspace to deepen your dynamic to more than a quick romp. This sandbox style workshop puts an emphasis on “what works for you” style of play, involving a bit of biology, a dash of psychology, a pinch of ethics, and a whole lot of fun!
The Art of Torture Needles
Learn the art of the Torture Needle with Chain-Lynx. Discover the fun that can be had with placement, size, chemicals, elastics, rope, impact, and more to inspire all sorts of neat new noises from your bottoms. This is a 201 class and basic knowledge of clean technique should already be had by audience members.
We Don’t do That: A nuanced look at mid-scene negotiation
Bats & Graeae
"Don't negotiate Mid-Scene."
Sound familiar? While acknowledging it is generally an excellent rule, especially for those new to kink, we think there are situations where a little more nuance is warranted. In this workshop we will delve into those murky, and dangerous waters and discuss where we do in fact negotiate up, down, or sideways mid-scene while respecting the consent and autonomy of those involved.
Whip Workshop: Experience Passion, Joy, Fear and Healing
Daddy Crone (Leenie)
What comes to your being when you think about whips? Is it Fear, Joy, Excitement, No Fuckin way? In this workshop you will learn to create more depth/connection and tap into your passion. Whether a Top or bottom, this starts with a willingness to be present. Daddy Crone Leenie, will guide those who wish to throw the whip plus assisting bottom’s and Top’s work through their resistance to receiving the whip, creating an opportunity to reshape negative experiences into an opening/positive experience and connection to your passion.
This workshop will leave you with solid skills, power exchange energy awareness, and an undying love for the whip. Although this class is participation based, the dance is mesmerizing to watch and an altering experience for everyone. It is so much more than technique.
Participation will be welcomed and encouraged. If you own whips, bring them. Let's Dance!
You Can Fly!
Understand your risk profile, limits, and energy levels. You need to know how to tie a suspension-worthy upper and lower body tie. You need to understand the concept of uplines to attend this class.
Class Description:
This class is the first step to getting into the air and we will work on a beginner-friendly self-suspension sequence. This class will not focus on harnesses or patterns, instead, it will focus on how to use your skills to safely get into the air. The goal of the class is to do your first self-suspension, and not retain a specific harness or upline. The class will have a tie-along chest harness, lower body harness, and self-suspension component.
This class is for people who have some self-tying experience as this is not a beginner class. The focus of this goal will be to have everyone complete a self-suspension time permitting. Those deemed unsafe, will not be allowed to fly during class time.
What to Bring to Class:
Rope! You will need enough rope to tie an upper and lower body harness on yourself. You will also need at least two lengths of rope you are comfortable using as uplines. You will also need to bring rigging gear to use in a self-suspension. There will be no loaner suspension equipment available for use. Bring cutting shears, a notebook if you like to take notes, a yoga mat/floor mat/a blanket if you want to sit on the floor, and whatever else you need to be present.